If you didn't know, PUG is Pick-up game. That is to say, a game (in this case Mechwarrior online) where you are playing in a team, but not with preformed groups. Like a playground game of pick-up basketball. If you did not know that, you really need this. If you did, hopefully you do not.
I will be presenting you some basic practices, not tactics, that will enhance your PUG. Nothing Mech, or even class specific really, just some mostly overlooked, good ideas. Giant stompy robots are fun; but giant ass-stompy robots are more fun.
First, everyone mentions the "Deathball" that forms in PUGs. While the deathball is a good idea for moving from one place to another, it is best to spread out a little once your team finds a ridge, or other partial cover to take advantage of overlapping fields of fire. If two of you are shooting at the same enemy, from different positions, he needs to split his fire. If he is smart enough to concentrate his fire, he is going down before either of you, due to taking twice as much fire as he is dealing. (not always, but in a perfect world.)
Second, do not travel faster than the slowest mech in your group. Most likely that is an Atlas, or Jaeger, which has big guns. If they are at the back, enemy scouts will pick them apart before they can aid your team. Many times that Atlas has ECM, so you want to stick close by anyway.
Third, be a flyswatter. If you are not the giant gun, protect the giant gun. Keep the lights and mediums off of your big guns. They will thank you, your team will thank you. As an added bonus both of you will be concentrating fire on enemy mechs. You might even get credit for a kill doing this.
Fourth, if you are the big gun, do not get caught alone. Use the text if you have to. In fact, at every class, unless you are the last one alive, (and you are most likely in a Spider if you are) you should never be standing anywhere alone. (experienced scouts excepted, of course)
Fifth, if you are the last one standing, don't hide. If it's one-on-one, and you will get the capture win, OK. But if not, don't be that guy. Go out in a blaze of glory, a smoking black cloud, and a fine red mist.
Sixth, before the match, use team chat if you have anything that might help your team. "ECM here", "LRM boat here", "TAG here". There will be dumb comments from those prone to such, but most of your team likes to have that info.
Seventh, compliment a good kill. Even if it's from the other team, and it frosts your ass to say it. Especially then, actually. Do not say "good game" or "GG" unless it was.
Eighth, please do not try to shoot each member of the other team, to get assists. Concentrate on the win. Grinding will become a grind if you go for cash and XP. Those will come in greater quantities with a win anyway.
Ninth, Stretch. Seriously. You will have better reaction time, and therefore better games if you are not all cramped up.
Tenth, (you guys like official sounding numbers right, so I need ten of these) Um... eat your veggies?
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