And then there are these guys...
Captain chat spam: Thankfully this baboon seems to have a 9:00 bed time, but you'll know him when you see him. Whether its random Nazi nonsense, or insulting teammates mothers, he makes his presence known. Some do this well enough that it does irritate enemies into making mistakes; but usually they just concentrate fire on the mouthy guy, he becomes a bad memory, and moves on to the next match.
Mechcommandon't: The guy who passes lobby time by repeatedly assuming, then relinquishing command.
Blaze of Glory: Wants to be first to the front. Puzzled at how often he dies 1 minute in.
Streak of brown: Not playing a sniper or LRM boat: hides in back anyway. Often seen blocking the retreat of a teammate instead of switching places or getting out of the way.
Cheese with that: Never has made a mistake, but boy are his teammates a disappointment, and he will tell you all about it, if you bother to look at the chat. Like how they are never in the right place to finish that enemy he almost got. Or how they can't manage to capture five resources with the two assault mechs remaining. If he were still in the game he totally could.
All alone again: Somewhere between Blaze and Cheese, this troglodyte consistently rushes into traps, knots, or deathballs of enemy mechs, far ahead of his team, then whines about a lack of help or backup on the chat.
That isn't "R": aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
oops sorry.
Hit T by mistake
Four figure ping: You see him in the lobby. You hope that it's just a momentary misread. It will go down. Nope. DC. Better luck next time. Not like we wanted an even number.
Participle Projecting Can: Knows more euphemisms for homosexual than he does other words put together. Uses them all repeatedly. Methinks the laddie doth protest too much.
Thankfully the following fools are not much seen anymore:
Team Killington: Apparently believes himself to be a double agent.
Notabot: Moves and shoots randomly. Either a keyboard spambot, or someones toddler sibling.
Captain Mal Content: Complains in chat about how bad this game is. Yet still playing, oddly...
I'm sure I've missed a few of these endangered feces. I'm sure there are new types (d)evolving as I type this. Happy Hunting.
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